10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2018

1. Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Glitch

It could never have been anything else, could it?

Bethesda's first foray into the hazardous realm of online multiplayer 'live services', Fallout 76 has continued to be an utter trainwreck since it launched earlier in November. A multiplayer spin-off could have genuinely been a fine idea if pulled off well, but with every passing day it's clear that Bethesda put in the bare minimum amount of effort to push it out the door.

From the quests to the enemies to the world itself, the actual moment-to-moment gameplay would have been underwhelming, but it's the sheer amount of bugs and issues that've made the title so notorious. Put simply, the game barely functions, and when it's not throwing broken missions at you it's leaking every player's personal information onto the web.

The disappointment extends beyond the game itself though, as Bethesda couldn't even ship the right bag out to fans who picked up the expensive special edition. It's been an absolute shambles of a launch, to the point where it's not even funny to laugh at. It's just sad.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3