10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2022 (So Far)

5. Dying Light 2

Diablo Immortal

Dying Light 2 is far from a bad game. Its massive, detailed open world has been intricately crafted to compliment the game's first-person parkour; the zombie combat is as satisfying as ever; and the weapon variety is genuinely impressive.

However, this long-overdue sequel is only intermittently fun, as the developers put so much focus on the story this time around that it interrupts the free-flowing open-world anarchy. Part of the reason the game took so long to release was that the devs wanted to transform Dying Light into a fully-fledged RPG, with Bethesda-style branching paths, a whole host of side missions and so, so much dialogue.

Sadly, the game doesn't have the calibre of writing to match those ambitions, with many of the characters appearing one-note, the moral choices being blatantly obvious, and the central narrative devolving into bland tropes that are neither scary nor exciting.

Most story missions pit you against human enemies rather than the walking dead (a mistake Aliens: Colonial Marines also made), certain mechanics are incredibly dated (Dying Light 2 has the same lockpick mechanic as Fallout 3(!)), and graphically, the game doesn't look all that advanced.

There's fun to be had here, but it's buried under so much bloat that really, really wasn't worth the extended wait.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3