10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2022 (So Far)

4. Ghostwire Tokyo

Diablo Immortal
Tango Gameworks

Ghostwire Tokyo was potentially always doomed for a life of obscurity. Initially revealed as a PS5 exclusive, its thunder was well and truly taken away when its developers were bought by Microsoft. As such, this title inevitably felt like a holdover, rather than the PS5 shifter it could have been.

Sadly, in its current state, Ghostwire Tokyo probably wouldn't been all that valuable to Sony as a killer app anyway. Despite boasting a tantalising setting in ghost-ridden Tokyo, alongside some visually spectacular spell-casting FPS combat, the game's repetition, bloated runtime and meandering story stopped it from living up to its potential.

Which is a true shame, because developers Tango Gameworks were coming off one of the best horror games of the decade in The Evil Within 2. However, if you put that incredible title side by side with this middling one, you might not even realise they were made by the same people.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3