10 Most Disgusting Creatures In Fallout History

1. Cazador

fallout 76

Most of us humans really don't like bugs. So when Fallout: New Vegas introduced us to giant-sized bugs called Cazadors which may well be one of the most deadly creatures in the game, you can imagine the revulsion we all felt.

Cazadors just look awful. Their wings are disgusting with big thick veins running through them. Their heads and eyes are freaky as hell and their bodies end with a large stinger-like appendage too just for good measure.

They're also packing an extremely potent venom that can sap your health almost instantly if you're not strong enough.

To make matters even worse, it's very rare a Cazador is alone. They appear to be very sociable monstrosities, as you'll often see them in packs of up to four. When they're all flying at you like crazy and swarming you with their stingers before you know it, it's truly nightmare fuel.

In Fallout lore, the Cazador was created in the labs of Big MT by Dr. Borous who was experimenting with DNA. Yeah, thanks doc. The future really needed giant deadly bugs on top of everything else.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.