10 Most Disgusting Video Game Deaths

3. Death By Spoon - The Witcher 3

It doesn't take long to discover that all is not what it seems with the Man of Glass, considering the first meeting at the start of the game was fairly innocuous. Yet as you soon discover, Gaunter O'Dimm is a sinister string-puller of the nefariously highest order.

Though his true nature is never fully explained, it seems our dear Master Mirror is not a force to be messed with or annoy. A meeting in a tavern with Geralt seems pretty standard to start with, everyone being merry and having fun. That is, until Mr. O'Dimm takes offence to a slightly merrier man interrupting his liaison with our Witcher.

But instead of using harsh words, he goes one further.

A bit further, in fact, as he stops time and proceeds to slide a spoon into the frozen man's eye. Not just a little love tap either, oh no. Deep enough to squelch, which we get to experience.

The whole scene plays out as a macabre spectacle of the evil and trickery O'Dimm can do. The poor guy didn't see it coming, and upon returning time to its regular flow... the results are exactly as dark as you'd expect.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.