10 Most Disturbing Danganronpa Deaths

7. Kirumi Tojo

Danganronpa Nagito Death
Spike Chunsoft

As the Ultimate Maid in Danganronpa V3, Kirumi first appears as a very calm and collected model servant. She dedicates herself to her duties and takes care of the others and their environment. This made her reveal as the culprit an unexpected shock, especially when she reveals her motives and willingness to sacrifice the people she has been taking care of throughout the game.

Kirumi is one of the few characters that actively tries to escape from her execution, not knowing that she is running directly towards it instead. This execution directly references the tale The Spider's Thread, wherein a criminal, having spared a spider in life, is offered the thread as a way of climbing from Hell up to Paradise.

In the tale, the thread breaks when the criminal reveals he only cares about his own possible salvation, rather than the other people climbing up the thread as well. In comparison, in this execution, Kirumi's chance at salvation is revealed to be fake.

She climbs up past whirling blades and constant injuries from the spiked vine, shedding clothing and skin alike, but even though she reaches the top of the vine, she is apparently beyond salvation and falls back down into "Hell."

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I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!