10 Most Entertaining Bad Endings In Video Games

1. Shooting The Catalyst - Mass Effect 3

Detroit become human

Mass Effect 3 is the epic conclusion to the RPG trilogy. As Commander Shepard, you are tasked to take down an intergalactic threat.

These are the Reapers, ancient machines that seek to harvest and eliminate all organic life. In order to stop these machines, Shepard must unite every fraction of the galaxy and bring the war back to Earth.

But during the game's conclusion, the player is then given a crucial choice. Having been injured during the Battle of Earth, Shepard soon meets the AI called the Catalyst. In the form of a little boy, he explains to Shepard the truth about the Reaper threat. He then gives the player three choices in order to end the conflict.

However, should the player feel unsatisfied with this, a trigger-happy Shepard can shoot the AI. Taking this as refusal, the Catalyst abandons the Commander; leaving him to die.

By refusing the Catalyst's terms, the Reapers win the war. Shepard's ally, Liara, then sends a time capsule intended for future generations. With the help of her message, the next generation succeeds and defeats the machines.

Despite the victory, it is a bittersweet one with the knowledge that you and your friends were wiped out by the war.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.