10 Most Epic Dragon Boss Battles In Video Games

6. Hivernal - Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Dragons played a big part in Dragon Age: Inquisition, functioning as mini bosses hidden away in each level, requiring careful tactics and strategies to even have a hope in hell of defeating them. And whilst there several memorable and interesting looking dragons that could rank for this list such as the Red Lyrium Dragon or the Fereldan Frostback, none are more entertaining, difficult and worth the spectacle than Hivernal.

Lurking in the Emprise Du Lion level of the map, Hivernal is the first of three dragons alongside the eastern side of the map, that rank higher in difficulty with each fight. While he may be the easiest of the three, he is easily the most entertaining. Fighting him atop a broken tower, frozen over with puddles of icy water and jagged shards of ice, the fight is epic incarnate. With a mix of flying and ground attacks, the dragon is not only well designed and looks cool, Hivernal is difficult, with the player’s skills of party management being pushed to the test.

While not a part of the main story and even being a dragon that most players won’t even stumble across by accident, Hivernal can stick in the mind, with one of the most entertaining fights in the game. Being one of the only memorable dragons beyond the two previously mentioned, he is a fitting optional challenge for those who go hunting for the ancient high dragons.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.