10 Most Evil Grand Theft Auto Characters

1. Ricardo Diaz

gta 4 dimitri rascalov

Vice City's no.1 drug baron is colourful and amusing enough that some might give him a slight pass for his evil ways on account of his entertainment value.

Starting in Vice City Stories, though, is a long run of extreme criminal activity done for the most shallow and materialistic of reasons. Even by GTA standards, Diaz's obsession with his mansion seems laughable given the eyebrow-raising stakes at play. Like so many sadistic baddies out there, Diaz also has a terrifying habit of taking out his immense rage on anyone unlucky enough to be near him.

In Vice City, Diaz is reminiscent of the Frank Lopez character from Scarface, providing a similar style of drug lord foil for Tommy to deal with. Much like Lopez, Diaz is has a litany of henchmen on hand to do his bidding, including assassinations, drug deals, and grim torture.

For Tommy, the Hawaiian shirt-loving fiend is a key villain to take down en route to his own to power in Vice City. Having caused much of the game's earlier hijinks and setbacks, the nefarious Diaz's eventual demise makes for a gratifying key moment in the plot.

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