10 Most Evil RPG Characters Of All Time

2. Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI)

Baldur's Gate 3 Orin the Red
Square Enix

The one entry per franchise rule might cause contention here, as many would say the infamous Sephiroth deserves to represent Final Fantasy. However, while FFVII's big bad is certainly evil, he never quite managed to become a god and bring about a cataclysm. Kefka, however, very much did, so on the evil scale, he just slips ahead. 

Final Fantasy VI's main antagonist is a vile clown who, at first, feels like a joke. However, as the game progresses, so too do his evil deeds, including poisoning the citizens of Doma, killing his comrades, leading multiple genocides, and obliterating the world. 

Besides successfully decimating most of the planet, Kefka deserves evil brownie points for simply being a menace. He's a despicable killer with a lust for blood and chaos, adoring violence and taking distinct glee in killing innocents. This only gets worse after he becomes a maniacal tyrant, destroying waves of innocent people for his own amusement. 

Plus, how can you not get the shivers when looking at his twisted harlequin design and hearing his iconic, yet dreadful, laugh? 

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