10 Most Frustrating Moments in Gaming

1. Getting Busted and Losing All of Your Weapons, GTA (PS, Xbox, PC)

When GTA IV was released, it was a massive relief to see that Rockstar had finally included an autosave feature, but I remember a time when dying or getting busted in the GTA franchise meant reloading your last manual save. If that was right before the mission that tripped you up then you were safe, but often you€™d find you were on such a roll that you hadn€™t saved in three hours. How did we ever get by in those days? In high-stakes poker they say you scarcely remember your big victories, but you always remember your bad beats. The same applies for me in early GTA. As you progress through the missions you pick up weaponry of greater and greater value and in greater quantities. Eventually you€™ll feel like a one man army and you€™ll have the arsenal to back those feelings up. Which is usually the cue for some unseen rookie beat cop to sneak up on you while you€™re jacking a car and bust you where you sit. Should that happen, you better hope you just saved as when you appear outside of the police station, you€™ll have been stripped of every piece of steel you had. We€™re right in rage-quit central territory now. There€™s nothing quite as frustrating as the feeling of beginning again from scratch, and going into your next mission with a pea-shooter instead of your favourite automatic weapon. But you start again; you pick up the shotgun, then the uzi, then the M16. You forget about your previous beat and before you know it, you€™re back to Scarface levels of armament. Cue that same rookie beat cop and the whole process begins again. It€™s was once the GTA circle of life and until autosave, you just had to nut up and embrace it. These are the moments that frustrated me more than any others over my last twenty years of gaming. Of course no list of 10 could encompass everything; drop us a line and let us know which moments had you ready to hang yourself with your controller cord.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.