10 Most Frustrating Moments in Gaming

2. Breeding Golden Chocobos, Final Fantasy VII (PSX)

Admittedly breeding a Golden Chocobo isn€™t a necessity for those who are simply content to beat the game. But if you wanted to be a total boss, you needed the Knights of Round summon. And if you wanted that, you needed to be able to get to the forested island cave in the northeast of the map which was only accessible via €“ you guessed it €“ a Golden Chocobo. Breeding one of these things is such a long drawn-out process that you€™ll most likely find yourself half forgetting why you€™re doing it in the first place. Catching the infernal things is frustrating enough, but just wait until you€™re having to race them, feed them the right nuts and guiltily pick which unholy coupling of brother/sister is going get you that correct next generation. Seriously, thank god the internet had risen to prominence at this point, and also that there were people out there willing to go through the trial and error necessary to produce an faq on the subject; if I was left alone with it, my PS1 probably would have been destroyed way before it stopped running games. But even with a guide it was easy to make a mistake (just check out the depth of this thing). Even if you€™d followed the steps to the letter, sometimes you€™d get to that final step - you could almost taste success and you€™re certain you€™re just minutes away from securing the precious Knights of Round materia €“ and you€™d be awarded with a step-one yellow Chocobo. And that would be it. Start again. Get ready to spend another 8 hours forcing siblings to copulate. You backwards sonofabitch.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.