10 Most Hated Resident Evil Enemies Of All Time

8. Duvalia (Resident Evil 5)

Resident Evil Frog

There's always something so inherently cheap about enemies that can kill you in one hit. That sheer frustration, combined with wondering when you last saved it, is just the a terrible feeling.

So how could you possibly make these enemies any worse?

Hmm, a nigh-on indestructible carapace that only opens when it's close enough to munch you in twain? Yeah, cheers Capcom.

The Duvalia, named after an African plant it somewhat mimics, are just the pits in Resident Evil 5. When you're used to standing toe-to-toe/limb/gross thing with many other enemy types, to switch up with these buggers is a right pain.

Now, shielded enemies are nothing new, granted. Resident Evil 4 had plenty of those.

But the Duvalia has you aiming for the legs whilst it stills lumbers towards you. Worse still, if you're fighting a crowd of Majini, these will happy make a beeline for you and catch you unawares.

Oh, you want more of a reason to hate them?

How about the ones whose legs are also armoured, making your target window to cause them to open up even smaller? Yeah, that happens.

Best start saving those flash grenades.

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Resident Evil
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.