10 Most Hated Resident Evil Enemies Of All Time

7. Regeneradors (Resident Evil 4)

Resident Evil Frog

Even writing this is giving me PTSD, as I can hear those weird little snuffly, grunting noises burned forever into my brain.

Regeneradors, introduced and thankfully only in Resident Evil 4, are lumbering beasts that hide some truly deceptive nastiness.

How are they deceptive, you might be asking?

Well, on the outset, they don't look too bad. Alright, massively sharp grin aside.

It's only when they grab you that the panic kicks is, as they go full sea urchin and pierce you with spikes protruding from their bodies. Or take a bite out of your neck.

"Fine," you think, "I'll just shoot it".

Which is all well and good, until it puts its name to use and heals itself, constantly.

It caught out those that don't read case files or didn't think to equip a thermal scope to their rifle, instead wasting ammo and uttering swears at the undying freaks.

Even with a scope attached, it's still difficult to aim calmly and shoot its heat-signifying parasite when its lumbering towards you for a stabby cuddle. Resident Evil 4 may have abandoned some of the horror, but Regeneradors are a polite reminder that it's still there.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.