10 Most Hated Resident Evil Enemies Of All Time

5. Lurker (Resident Evil Zero)

Resident Evil Frog

I mentioned earlier about the sheer hatred that one-hit-kill enemies bring to the fray, and I stand by that.

But whilst the Duvalia are just as bad as the frogs from Resident Evil Zero, at least you would expect some kind of challenge. I mean, they look the part, don't they?

Whereas the giant frogs in RE: 0 are just so... unassuming. You'd think it was just a big, accidentally mutated derpy amphibian.

That is, until it flicks out that tongue, drags you in and swallows you whole.

Yeah, they do that, and by god is it annoying when it completely catches you off guard. What's more annoying is your partner will sometimes stand there and not intervene as the Lurker munches you down.

Thankfully, they're not a common enemy, yet that adds more to the terror. If they were as common as zombies, we'd be cautious of when and where to find them.

That they only show up a handful of times, usually in quieter moments, means you can easily be caught unawares by assuming you had a chance to relax.

Who would have thought a man-size frog would be so hated?

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.