10 Most Hated Resident Evil Enemies Of All Time

4. Drain Deimos (Resident Evil 3 Remake)

Resident Evil Frog

The Deimos' in the original third game weren't hated, as such. They were annoying when they dropped on you from above, but more often than not you'd see them coming a mile off.

Limb outstretched, faster gait and covered in slime, like revelers coming back from a wet festival and just want a hug.

Yet when this year's remake came out, these nasties may have been scaled down... but they're a much bigger problem.

For one, the over-the-shoulder camera angle means you can't always see them scittering behind/beside/above you. Whilst that may still be annoying, the hatred lies in what the insectoids do to you when they sieze you.

Think Alien. Specifically, think facehugger.

Think horrible status affliction that sees parasitic embryos growing inside you that will kill you in minutes if you don't have the necessary greenery to stuff down your face. That is where the hatred comes into play. Switching out the original maggoty Hunter-alike with a relatively unseen, stealthy predator that can blindside you and really ruin your digestive track is just nasty.

It may be fitting with the remake's darker aesthetic but for all intents and purposes, they can all die in a fire.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.