10 Most Hated Video Game Characters Of All Time

4. Jason Mars

Heavy Rain
Quantic Dream

It€™'s very easy to hate children in anything, let alone video games, and unfortunately, they are a difficult age group to write. Write them as being too smart and quippy and it feels artificial and bizarre; too cutesy and dumb and they become annoying.

The latter is most definitely the case with Jason Mars, the son of Ethan Mars from Heavy Rain. This kid is so mind-numbingly stupid that you just can€™t feel sorry for him when he dies at the beginning of the game. Yes, kids often don€™t listen to the demands of their parents, but Jason'€™s inability to control his impulses for even a second is maddening. Plus, despite supposedly being 10 years old, he acts more like a 5 year old.

Jason could have been written as a bright and sympathetic kid, but instead what we get is a kid who is nothing but a painful reminder that some people shouldn'€™t breed. It feels like the writers didn'€™t know how to write kids, and it translates into a character so laughably hated he has inspired a host of in-jokes and memes. At least we only had to put up with him for a short while.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.