10 Most Important Video Games Ever Made

1. Starcraft


Due to Starcrafts useage of 3 distinct races it has often been credited to revolutionizing the RTS genre this is accompanied by the gaming selling 9.5 million copies across the world, with 4.5 million of them being in South Korea alone.

Starcraft grew in popularity in South Korea this lead it to become the country€™s national e-sport after establishing a successful professional gaming scene. Starcraft games are broadcast over three television channels dedicated to the professional gaming scene.Professional gamers in South Korea have gained television contracts, sponsorships, and tournament prizes, allowing one of the most famous players, Lim Yo-Hwan, to gain a fan club of over half a million people. One player, Lee Yun-Yeol, reported earnings in 2005 of US$200,000 ($235,100 in 2013).

As hard as it may be to believe, Starcraft was part of the US Air Force's Aerospace Basic Course, used to teach newly active officers about crisis planning under stress and joint service teamwork, the science fiction setting allowed students to focus on the battle tactic surprising eh?

My Names Is Humza, and I am a 20 Year Old: Guitarist , Anime/Manga Enthusiast, Hardcore Gamer, Music -J/K Pop Maniac. My PSN = ShatteredPheonix add me if you wish to play some games.