10 Most Important Video Games In History

1. Tetris


You have played Tetris. Your siblings have played Tetris. Your cousins have played Tetris. Your parents have played Tetris. Your grandparents have at least seen Tetris.

And that is why this game is so historic. The widespread appeal of Tetris is ageless, and as such it has introduced possibly billions of people to video games. Originally coming out in 1984, the puzzle game has been going strong ever since.

It has sold millions on top of millions of copies, the original Game Boy version alone selling 35 million. There has been some version of it ported or released to every platform you could think of. If you google Tetris right now, you would get a ton of links just for browser versions of the game.

Yet there's just something about it that doesn't get old. It's such a simple puzzle game that you could add pretty much any gimmick to it and it would still come out great. It inspired untold hundreds of clones, some of them being remembered fondly, and some of them just being forgotten about immediately.

Tetris not only inspired so many games that it could basically be a genre by itself, but it also introduced the crazy world of gaming to more people than anything else, and at the end of the day, that's what matters most.

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