10 Most Important Video Games In History

3. ET: The Extra Terrestrial


Just because a game is important, doesn't mean it was good. In fact, this was as big of a disaster as you could possibly imagine.

Released in 1982, E.T. was a licensed Atari game based off the Steven Spielberg movie of the same name. Created to get some extra money off the back of the movie's success, the game was entirely done in only five weeks. Possibly the most rushed game ever, they threw it on the market in order to get those holiday season sales. And it actually sold fairly well. Until it didn't.

The game is completely terrible and was rightfully panned by critics, but it being considered the worst game of all time isn't the reason why it's on this list. It's on this list because it became the face of the Great Video Games Crash of 1983.

Atari and others were throwing out terrible game after terrible game, cheap product after cheap product, because people were incredibly willing to buy anything. But they over saturated the market, and with computers becoming more prevalent in households, the video game industry suffered a crash so bad it almost killed it entirely. ET wasn't the cause of this, but it was the biggest example of the issue.

Of course, Atari ended up dumping the many copies of ET they still had left over due to no one buying it, and buried it in a desert. That's one way to fix an issue.

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