10 Most Impressive Open World Video Games Since 2010

6. Skyrim

Witcher 3

Skyrim hasn't exactly aged well. Despite the constant re-releases, remasters and console ports, the game doesn't hold up on the ol' game-play front. Yet, even when the game is mired with bugs, poor combat, rocky storylines and shoddy roleplaying features, it is still an absolute joy to explore.

The world just begs to be ventured into, with every inch of the map littered with something to do. Hundreds of caves, bandit camps and villages are crammed into a massive map that is just fun to get lost in.

When given this massive world to uncover and trek through you end up pushing the clunky combat and massive game breaking bugs to one side. With such a rich world to experience, the technical stuff just doesn't matter that much. That's the reason why so many people love this game, whilst still being able to acknowledge the massive fundamental flaws it has.

Bethesda can't always crack gameplay, but when it comes to incredibly detailed and interesting worlds, they are king.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.