10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Kingdom Hearts

3. Kingdom Hearts II - Goofy's Death

Kingdom Hearts Goofy Dies
Disney/Square Enix

During combat during most RPGs, party characters might get knocked out. They can lie on the ground, HP depleted, but they get back up again and continue to fight. In cutscenes however, this is not a guarantee - a character will full HP in a fight can be killed instantly.

This does not mean it is expected though, especially when Disney characters are involved. However, one of the most unsettling moments within Kingdom Hearts II is when beloved cartoon character Goofy is presumed dead.

During an invasion of heartless in Hollow Bastion, as Sora, Donald and Goofy meet with King Mickey, a battle occurs which results in a large rock coming towards the latter. Goofy knocks Mickey out of the way, but is seen to take the full brunt of the impact.

He lies on the ground, completely motionless, and with no spinning stars or sound effects play that imply this could be for comedic effect. The mood of the scene and the other characters reactions convey that they genuinely believe Goofy is dead at least in those moments.

It is later revealed that he was unconscious, but for one long minute, many of us genuinely believed that Goofy had legitimately passed away.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!