10 Most Inappropriate Video Game Storylines Ever Written

4. JFK Reloaded

Hatred game
Traffic Games

What's the best way to make sure your video game is never forgotten, through absolutely no hard work of your own? The obvious answer is to base it on one of the most controversial and well known assassinations of the 20th century.


While the game doesn't exactly have a plot per se, the narrative unfolding before the player is one that everybody knows, and the player is even scored based upon how accurate their kill is when compared to the real life reports.

More points are given if the player misses the first shot, hits the second, and then eventually uses the third to kill JFK himself. Just like in real life, the cars occupants will react dependent upon how well the player does, leading to some very questionable gameplay.

As if that wasn't enough there was even a competition held for the player that could make their shooting match the events perfectly, the grand prize being $100,000.

Of course that money wasn't real and it only amounted to about a tenth of that as should have been expected.

Nobody tell the developers about Abraham Lincoln, we don't need a prequel.

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