10 Most Influential Video Game Sequels Of All Time

5. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time opened with a short tutorial section before players were introduced to the incredible and expansive world of Hyrule. As we traversed towns, dungeons, temples and mountains on an epic quest to stop evil king Ganondorf from taking over the land, for scope alone, very few games had attempted this before.

To compliment gameplay there were a number of meaningful side quests, the colourful and interesting inhabitants of Hyrule, and the ability to travel through time. To this day, Ocarina of Time is still considered one of the finest games ever made, sitting at the top of the leaderboard on Metacritic.

It was not the first series to transition from 2D to 3D, but given the critical acclaim it received, it was certainly one of most well-known examples on how to conduct this successfully, without alienating fans of the earlier games.

Although it has now been 22 years since release, Ocarina of Time is still seen as the pioneer of open-world gaming.

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