10 Most Infuriatingly Awkward Video Game Levels Of All Time

10. Blood Trails - Max Payne

Max payne blood trails

Look, it probably sounded awesome on paper. Right?

"And then Max awakes in a nightmare. Traumatised by the reality of not being home to save his infant child, he's tormented by a trail of blood leading through the abyss, to which he has no choice but to follow..."

Sure, I can see what Remedy were going for. Sadly, the reality of this 'blood trails' level was one where you were literally walking a tightrope of blood through a completely pitch-black landscape. No amount of turning the brightness up on your TV or faffing with the game's menus would reveal anything, because Remedy didn't code those assets in.

It's a corridor. A huge, intertwining mess of razor-thin lines to walk along and an exit marker... somewhere. You walk, you fall, you get lost, you question precisely who thought this was a good idea. To this day, it's testament to how rollickingly brilliant Max Payne was, that so many of us kept playing at all.

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