10 Most MADDENING Bosses In SoulsBorne Games

9. Old King Allant (Demon's Souls)

elden ring

Demon's Souls - the game that kicked off the SoulsBorne series - is impressively creative in the number of ways its boss fights frustrate the player. From the manic, flailing brutality of the Flamelurker to the sheer sh*thousery of the Maneater spawning a second boss halfway through the fight, Demon's Souls made clear FromSoftware's mission to challenge their fanbase to the brink of insanity. 

However, the developers saved their most brutal party trick for last - a gimmick so cruel that it's never been used again in any of their other games. Old King Allant may cut a gallant figure, but he utilizes one of the dirtiest tricks possible in an RPG - level-draining.

Yes, Allant won't just kill you, he'll permanently weaken you if you screw up during the fight. When his hand starts glowing, you'd better time your next doge-roll to perfection or the King will grab hold of your character and drain an entire level from their body. And no, you don't get that level back after you beat him.

Years after the fact, even when all other memories of the game have been lost to time, anyone unlucky enough to have been on the receiving end of Old King Allant's signature move will still be able to recall the stomach-lurching, brain-bending outrage felt upon seeing the words "Soul Level Drained" flash across the screen.

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Elden Ring
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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.