10 Most Nostalgic Video Game Secrets

7. Retro Appreciation - Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time

Resident Evil 6

It’s very easy for reboots of franchises to avoid what came before but Prince of Persia: Sands of Time slips in several loving nods that don’t go unappreciated.

At a certain point of the game the Prince mutters “it’s said they built this place on another” which is your cue to look out for a certain rotating switch. The wall behind it doesn’t appear to be breakable but with the sword upgrade it’s possible to smash it down and unearth a relic - the original 1989 Prince of Persia.

But hang on, what makes this game so different that it gets its own entry?

Well whilst it’s all well and good to play the Apple II computer version, Sands of Time decides to go a step beyond. By inputting a certain cheat code on the title screen (remember cheat codes?), you can teleport the Prince to the first stage of the original game completely remade in the Sands of Time engine and style.

Whilst it feels very different to the original due to the total change in gameplay, this recreation is a fun little homage to where it all began and gives new players a chance to compare the original game with how it might look today.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.