10 Most Nostalgic Video Game Secrets

5. Green Hill Zone - Sonic Adventure 2

Resident Evil 6

The first stage of the original Sonic the Hedgehog is one of the platforming genre’s most recognisable. Sonic Generations and Sonic Mania both pay homage by starting with their games with a nostalgic return to it. Even other titles, like Sonic 4 Episode 1, that don’t include it at least kick off with their own riffs on the idea.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Sonic Adventure 2 made you work for that familiar warm feeling. Green Hill Zone is the last stage you could possibly play in the game.

Collecting all 180 of the game’s emblems is no easy feat, requiring players to beat all five missions in each stage as well as all the other modes that the game offers. When you do however, it’s worth more than just bragging rights as a new level appears on the stage select.

Starting off as 2D for just a moment, when the camera swings around it’s really interesting to see how the developers have turned Green Hill Zone’s layout into a more 3D space. All the classic moments are here including the loop-de-loop, spinning through narrow tunnels and invincibility power-ups hiding in trees.

Too many games have minimal rewards for total completion, so having this fun little throwback as the final bow on Sonic Adventure 2 was a wonderful surprise.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.