10 Most Offensive Moments In Duke Nukem History

2. The Hive

You know what isn't funny? Duke Nukem joking about some babes being raped by aliens in a level full of wall boobs and impregnated women. Not only was it tasteless, it was out of character. Sure, Duke would swear, ogle and blow up things, and the fans would love it.

But rape jokes? Not cool, guys. Not cool at all. Edgy writing does not mean it's entertaining or humorous by default. In fact, Duke just seems almost as monstrous as the bad guys themselves in this situation.

Also, whoever thought boobies sticking out from the walls would be a hilarious turn-on must have some very strange fetishes and sexual frustrations. Seek out a psychiatrist immediately, for the sake of your own health.

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Duke Nukem
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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.