10 Most Offensive Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

8. That Implied Rape Scene - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

hotline miami 2
Devolver Digital

Y'know, Dennaton, although your first game acquired a reputation for voyeuristic violence and hair-trigger headshots, you probably shouldn't continue that assumption of 'edginess' by going with an attempted rape scene. Just... well, it's not the best foot to put forward when players are looking for an evolution of the original's awesome arcade gameplay.

Alas, no sooner have you started emptying shotgun shells into a house full of enemies that you'll knock a woman down to the ground, drop your pants and begin mounting her. It's all a bit... strong, especially considering you've only been playing for five minutes, but then someone yells "Cut!" and - hooray! (ish) - it was only a movie.

Turns out you were acting the part of the killer from the first game, and this embellishment of his conduct is the developers' comment on how the media and society can take the facts of any story and twist it to suit their own dark desires.

Like... sure, but, did you have show this with a rape scene?! The result got the game headlines for all the wrong reasons, and Dennaton even included an option to skip the scene altogether in the end, almost as though they never really believed in its purpose in the first place.

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