10 Most Offensive Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

7. Amy's Developers Think That Autism = Superpowers

Amy game

VectorCell's horror Amy could've been one of the first games to actually give a main character mental health issues, before tackling them in a respectable and interesting manner.

Instead... they went with the age-old assumption that anyone with autism somehow has 'supernatural' abilities, in this case manifesting as telekinetic powers. Because everyone knows autism is a total walk in the park, doesn't get in the way of emotional development and is never the source of bullying and isolation in many insensitive corners of society.

Nope, it's a super cool way to be - just watch out for the character of Amy dying if you wander too far away from her. Because that's... how... being a carer works?!

Did they just pick a mental condition from a hat?

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