10 Most Out-Of-Place Scenes In Video Games

2. Killing Cutie The Elephant - It Takes Two

it takes two elephant
Electronic Arts

It Takes Two is a platformer where you play as May and Cody - a struggling couple who've been transformed into handmade dolls. Convinced they will return to normal if their daughter, Rose, cries on them, May and Cody decide to kill their child's favourite stuffed toy, Cutie the Elephant. (I know, parents of the year.)

Even though the characters feel bad about murdering Cutie, this makes the whole thing worse since they repeatedly apologise while ripping the innocent teddy apart. As the adorable elephant screams and begs while you tear her ear and leg off, you can't help thinking, "What the hell am I playing?"

If you thought the horror ends when Cutie dies, guess again. When Rose sees her prized possession has been torn up, she bawls her eyes out. Instead of comforting their daughter, May and Cody parade around her tears and cheering. At one point, Cody grabs his child's tears and wipes them on his bum. (Look it up if you don't believe me.)

Even though It Takes Two has a 16 Rating, this unnerving sequence feels more at home in a horror title.

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It Takes Two
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