10 Most Over Powered Power-Ups In Super Mario History

1. Golden Tanooki Suit (aka. Invincibility Leaf)

Blue Shell Mario Kart

Super Leafs and Tanooki Suits have popped up now and again in the Mario series ever since their debut in Super Mario Bros. 3 in 1988. A real fan favourite, the Super Leaf will turn players into Raccoons, changing their appearance to include sprouting ears and tails and allowing them to take down enemies with a tail whip or take flight and glide across the level.

Super Mario 3D Land introduced a variant on this power up, the Golden Invincibility Leaf. Whilst the game is far from the hardest in the series, if a player dies five times when in a level an Assist Box will appear and turn them into Tanooki Mario, only this time suited up in an invincible white suit.

Golden Tanooki Mario has a dashing white suit, the same raccoon-like ears and tails as previous games, and is followed around by glowing white sparkles.

Whilst in this form, Mario is invincible to all enemies and obstacles and can only be taken down by falling into pits or lava, essentially allowing players to bypass the challenges the level was giving them.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.