10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2021

3. Nier Replicant

Lost Judgment
Platinum Games

Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139... was a game always destined to be overlooked this year. What with a title like that and it being a remake/reimagining of a game nobody played in the first place, the deck was stacked against it.

And as a result it's not really gotten a look in on many game of the year lists so far, and that sucks because Nier Replicant polishes an already good game and turns it into a great one.

Set before the events of breakout franchise hit Nier Automata, this new release nicks that title's more polished hack-and-slash combat system to help modernise the experience for new fans. As a result, it's a tighter, more tactile experience with gameplay that now compliments the epic fantasy story that drew players in in the first place.

Nier Replicant is a weird game (as you would expect from this series), but it has a huge amount of heart and imagination. If you thought Automata got everything right, then you owe it to yourself to check this one out.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3