10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2021

2. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Lost Judgment
Eidos Montreal

After the disaster of The Avengers, nobody had high hopes for Guardians of the Galaxy, Square Enix's next effort at a Marvel superhero game. Announced earlier this year for a swift release in October, this project attempted to right the wrongs by putting the focus on a single-player story with no invasive live-service elements. It was just your daddy's classic action-adventure game, and it was all the best for it.

Casting players as Peter Quill aka Star Lord, the shooter jumps from one imaginative sci-fi world to the next, with pristine combat along the way. The real standout though is the narrative, a surprisingly emotional superhero epic that does these characters justice.

Just like the movies, it's the personality inherent to this team that elevates it at every step. The banter in combat, the dialogue choices in cutscenes and the relationships forged simply hanging out on the ship give Guardians the heart it needed to succeed.

Thanks to positive initial reviews and strong word of mouth, Guardians is picking up steam, but it's a testament to how soured people were on The Avengers that people had to be convinced to check this one out.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3