10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2022 (So Far)

9. Far: Changing Tides

Neon white

Far: Lone Sails is an explorative adventure title, set in a post-apocalyptic world, deprived of oceans. Because it received rave reviews on all platforms, Okomotive whipped up a sequel.

The developers could've drummed up more of the same but instead turned the premise on its head by having the follow-up, Far: Changing Tides, set in a world drowning in water.

This change of direction could've been a really bad idea. If the original formula worked, why do the opposite?

But this drastic decision works in the game's favour. Too often, the best sequels are let down by feeling too similar to their predecessors. Although Changing Tides harbours the same mechanics of the original, the alteration in aesthetic and structure never makes this side-scrolling puzzle game feel like a carbon-copy.

If you haven't played Lone Sails, don't see that as a deterrent. Due to the sequel's lack of narrative, you'll become immersed into the sea-soaring saga before you know it.

Even though games revolving around waterbound vessels can be hard to get the hang of, the simplistic controls of Changing Tides and reasonable difficulty curve never makes it frustrating while you navigate your ship across the sea.

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Neon White
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