10 Most Overrated Video Games Of 2018

2. Spider-Man

Spider-Man PS4 Pose

You can put those pitchforks down, because we can all agree that Insomniac's Spider-Man is the web-slinger's strongest video game to date, and swinging through the streets of New York City has never felt so satisfying.

But once you get past all that, the game has its share of glaring flaws which make its 87 Metascore a bit baffling.

Though the core plot is plenty intriguing, both the story missions and side objectives are generic and repetitive, the campaign's pacing is wildly inconsistent - packing numerous bosses one after another in the final few hours of the game - and the boss fights are mostly mediocre wave-based affairs.

But worst of all? Those abhorrent, wildly outdated stealth sequences featuring MJ and Miles Morales. Who in their right mind thought these would be a fun diversion in any way? They elicited a groan every time they showed up and clearly should've been optional.

It's truly puzzling that so many considered Spider-Man a Game of the Year contender despite these issues, in addition to how generic its open world feels. It's a good game, even a very good one, but great or even masterful? Not a chance.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.