10 Most Painful Video Game Cliffhangers EVER
3. Mega Man Legends 2
Speaking of people not coming back...
Mega Man Legends was the inventive 3D PS1 series that no-one really talks about these days. The reason for this, unfortunately, may have something to do with the fact it was over entirely too soon.
The second (and final) main series game sees protagonist Mega Man Volnutt travel to Elysium, a 'perfect' world in orbit around planet Terra. Housed there is the Master System, and once Volnutt destroys it, there is no way back for him. He's stuck there.
Back at home, his friends, Roll and Tron, are hard at work designing a rocket that can bring Mega Man back safely. They look to be pretty far away as it is, but given that this is the last game in the series, and a planned third game was cancelled in 2011, it seems that the poor guy's up there for the long haul.
This is one such instance where a cliffhanger cannot possibly mean a series' end, no matter how you interpret it. It's so obvious that a sequel was intended to wrap up this storyline, but now that that idea is dead in the water, don't bet on seeing this long-awaited conclusion in your lifetime.
As the robot monkey Data says: "Sorry, Mega Man, but it looks like you might be stuck up there for a little while more..."