10 Most Powerful Artefacts Lara Croft Has Ever Found

4. The Divine Source

Tomb Raider Mjolnir
Square Enix

In Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara discovers The Divine Source. This blue stone bestows immortality upon those who gaze on it, as well as advanced healing and physical enhancements which affect strength, endurance and athleticism.

Lara’s father, Richard, had been searching for the Divine Source and discovered the City of Kitezh, where he believed the Source lived, but he was killed by Trinity before he could investigate further. Lara follows his research and goes off to find the city, but Trinity aren’t far behind.

On her journey, Lara comes across the Remnants, a group who survived an ancient attack on the City of Kitezh, where the Mongols wanted to find and destroy the Divine Source. The Remnants created a small community in a valley where they vowed to protect the Source and prevent anyone from finding it.

Lara also crosses paths with Jacob, who she later learns is an immortal who has used the Divine Source. She also learns the dark truth behind immortality; the Source takes the soul of those who look at it so that they will never age and never die. For some, it even takes their humanity.

Lara destroys the Divine Source, which releases the souls trapped inside and finally grants death to those affected by it.

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Simon is a writer, cat dad and presenter of a geeky radio show with his husband. He loves Doctor Who (except 10 who can get in the bin…only joking.) He idolises Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lara Croft and would 100% be a Sith Lord in a galaxy far, far away. He wishes life was like a musical so he’d actually be a good singer.