10 Most Powerful Dark Souls Weapons

5. Gold Tracer

The Gold Tracer can only be obtained within the Artorias of the Abyss DLC, but it's well worth the wait once you get your hands on it. Once one of Lord's Blade Ciaran's weapons, you obtain it and the Silver Tracer counterpart in exchange for the soul of her beloved, Knight Artorias, after you defeat him in one of the series' best boss encounters. Or you could duke it out with Ciaran in one of the toughest NPC encounters to get them and her armour set.

Regardless, the Gold Tracer is the superior weapon of the two. It is probably the best weapon for dealing out bleed damage in the entire game, and can rip through most enemies extremely quickly thanks to some very speedy attacks.

Uniquely, the weapon is designed to be wielded off-hand, and gains a rather powerful strong attack in exchange for your inability to parry if wielded this way; if wielded as your main weapon, you still won't be disappointed with the speed and power of the Gold Tracer's attacks, though.

If you fancy tackling Dark Souls as a very nimble curved sword wielder, consider the Gold Tracer for your next playthrough!

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