10 Most Powerful Dark Souls Weapons

2. Zweihander

The Zweihander is easily one of the greatest choices for STR-based players. This huge Greatsword offers you massive potential in-game; it deals a huge amount of damage from the off, and only grows more powerful as you progressively upgrade it.

It is versatile, too; many of the upgrade paths, both damage and elemental, are well-suited to this weapon. The added benefit of being able to break most enemies' poise is pretty tasty, too.

The trade, off of course, is that recovery from a Zweihander swing is quite hefty; swinging this thing around doesn't really allow you to be nimble in combat. As long as you pay attention to the rhythm of your fight and focus on your enemies' movements closely, you'll find yourself cutting through foes like butter with a fully-upgraded Zweihander.

Available to players right out of the gates of the Undead Asylum (just make a speedy dash past some skeletons and you'll find it in front of an oversized gravestone), and enables you to wield a truly devastating weapon. Just make sure you've got a fair bit of Endurance, and you'll be slicing your way through demons like a professional slayer in no time.

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Dark Souls
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