10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

6. Kirby - Various

kirby eating

Okay, bear with me here, because although Kirby might look super cute and non-intimidating, his power set has not only never been quantified, but it's pretty unbelievable.

We have a creature - who knows what he actually is - that will straight up eat you, digest you into nothingness within seconds, and steal your powers. Nintendo have never clarified how any of this works, and the nearest fans have come is deciding that inside Kirby, must be a black hole.

Story-wise we've seen him defeat everything from Dark Matter to dragons, possessed demon trees to psychotic emperors. Kirby barely takes a second off to recover - it's always more to eat, more to consume, digest and reconstitute.

He was the ONLY character that survived the great purge at the start of Super Smash Bros, and singlehandedly reformed the world's warriors to fight back against Galeem.

Without Kirby, the entire Nintendo universe would've been wiped out for good.

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