10 Most Replayable Video Games Of 2018

8. Marvel's Spider-man

Tetris effect

Insomniac's take on the web-slinging teenager with more power and great responsibility blew everyone's mind earlier this year. Not since the days of the 2004 tie-in of the second movie have people rejoiced about how well Spider-man has been handled in gaming.

"So where's the replay value?", you might be thinking. "Once the well-handled story is over, what else is there to do?"

Well, besides being able to just traverse the city in a magnificent way, there's enough in-game content to keep you occupied. You can aim for gold medals in the Taskmaster's challenges, find the many collectables dotted around the environment, or complete the stronghold missions.

Whilst not as packed with random encounters and side missions as Rockstar's cowboy behemoth, there's enough in the web-head's world to keep you going.

Since release, Insomniac have added a New Game + mode, complete with higher difficulty options to test you. As well as the latest DLC in the The City That Never Sleeps, there's plenty to do in one of the most well-received slices of superhero gaming this year.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.