10 Most Rewarding Evil Playthroughs In Gaming
7. Divinity: Original Sin 2
Morality systems in gaming are usually straightforward. Saving people and warding off evil should bring about rewards. You may receive greater gifts if you play without a conscience, but it often comes with a heavy price.
However, things are different in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Basically, there are consequences for committing misdeeds... but only if you get caught. If nobody finds out you stole a bunch of equipment or murdered a bunch of civilians, you should be in the clear. If somebody sees you performing indecently, it's not the end of the world so long as the witnesses are... dealt with.
Sure, it's rewarding to go about Original Sin 2 as a noble hero, but it's also tedious since you'll progress at a snail's pace and see the Game Over screen more times than you can count.
Instead, you should steal everything you come across and sell it. That way, you can buy the best items early on, allowing you to dominate the hardest enemies. So long as you're sneaky, you shouldn't suffer any repercussions for your wicked actions (apart from earning a spot in Hell).