10 Most Ridiculous Video Game Weapons

7. Various Throwables - Bahamut Lagoon

bahamut lagoon

I know you're looking at that entry title and thinking, "that doesn't look too ridiculous".

Well my friend, fear not, as Bahamut Lagoon does some wondrous things with the RPG trope of throwable items. As a staple, the ability to lob whatever is in the pockets at your parties is a tried and tested method, allowing you to not only clear out some inventory space but also sometimes inflict some surprising effects on your enemies.

And Bahamut Lagoon approaches this notion with a bit of a tongue in cheek attitude, as not only can you throw your usual assortment of bombs, money and poison potions, but also the following:

Super Vodka which will burn enemies, some Dragon Dung which will perform a Dark attack, A Botched Cookie which will attempt to cast death on an enemy, because why bother living if cookies aren't done correctly, but my all time favourites have to be the porno mags.

Yes that's right you can lob a knob mag at foes causing them to fall to sleep, and there's even a XXX Rated Porno Mag that casts the same effect on all enemies. I don't think it needs explaining as to why they might be a little sleepy after a binge on the bongo.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.