10 Most Ridiculous Video Game Weapons

6. Mr. Toots - Red Faction: Armageddon

red faction mr toots

How many games let you shoot a super destructive laser from the arse of a unicorn? Not that many, I'd wager.

For those few of you that have no idea what I'm on about, within the rather serious (and seriously destructive) Red Faction: Armageddon you can take a break from annihilating forms of life and structures in order to do a little bit of exploring.

Once you've managed to destroy a few fake walls and run over a section that sees the floor literally coming out of the walls in front of you, you'll find this rather strange room that contains lasers, rabbits, and a whole heap of strange cutesy music. Oh, and the aforementioned rainbow bumhole horse.

Using Mr Toots is a hilarious experience, as not only does he chew through chunks of meat like a wrestler on cheat day, but also makes enemies explode into little rainbows upon defeat, bringing a sense of levity to an otherwise drab series of environments.


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