10 Most Satisfying Video Game Enemies To Kill

8. Demons - Doom (2016)

Dead Space

The grandest achievement of the 2016 Doom reboot and its recent sequel Doom Eternal is how they present a stylish, unrelentingly brutal power fantasy to the player, rendering the Doom Slayer an impossibly badass destroyer-of-worlds who the game's demonic enemies basically regard as the boogeyman.

The reboot's pièce de résistance must surely be the addition of glory kills, allowing you to approach staggered enemies and perform insanely gory cinematic executions, such as ripping demons clean in half, impaling them with their own jagged limbs, and even crushing their skull into a fine paste.

Or, you can just tear-ass through them with your trusty chainsaw.

Doom Eternal ups the ante even further with its creatively OTT array of ways to thoroughly dismantle Hell's finest.

Even slaughtering the most basic enemy feels amazing, and if you've had a bad day, there are few games better-primed to help you cathartically vent your blood-thirsty rage.

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Dead Space
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.