10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Of 2018

8. The Post-Apocalypse Begins - Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 Nuke

Far Cry 5’s explosive ending - one of two possible, provided the player refuses Joseph Seed’s peace offering during the game’s opening - was as climactic as it was controversial. A series known for its enigmatic antagonists and crazy plotlines, what we now know to be the canonical ending to the fifth Far Cry title may have jumped the shark.

That said, as far as plot twists go, this one was pretty great. During the course of the game’s campaign players are drip-fed small hints that political turmoil outside of Hope County may be leading the world to the brink of war. Yet, most players are too busy trying to capture or kill the leaders of Seed’s misguided flock to notice.

So, when the bombs dropped as the game came to a close, it was a real shock to the system. It turns out that this self-proclaimed prophet may have been on to something all along. We’ve heard of doomsday prepping before, but this is taking things to another level.

It may have been bleak, but those who saw Far Cry 2 to its conclusion know that the series usually doesn’t shy away from unhappy endings.

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Far Cry 5
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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.