10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Of 2018

7. The Protagonist Is Evil - Unavowed

Far Cry 5 Nuke
Wadjet Eye

Unavowed was a neat little indie game commendable for its attempt to revive the long-since forgotten point and click genre in 2018. Something of a cult icon in an era during which pixel-art indie gems are flooding the Steam store, Unavowed is an overlooked title which old-school fans of Sierra or Lucasarts may enjoy.

Opening on a protagonist freshly excised from the control of a demon, the player character eventually joins the New York branch of an eponymously-named spectral investigation group. They go around the city solving occult crimes and attempt to dig a little deeper into the main character’s mysterious possession.

In the end, it turns out that the character wasn’t possessed in the traditional sense - they actually invoked the demon in order to obtain its powers and knowledge. In a way, the protagonist more-or-less possessed a demon, and a spell used during the exorcism caused them to switch bodies.

At least, that seems like what happened. Anyone who missed out on this unique investigative experience may want to give it a play sometime in 2019 and draw their own conclusions. Plus, with four possible endings to experience, it’s a narrative worth revisiting.

In this post: 
Far Cry 5
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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.