10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Of 2018

3. Meeting Kassandra Or Alexios - Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Far Cry 5 Nuke

Plenty of games offer the ability to play as either a male or female character, but the unchosen character model in many of these games in almost never seen again unless it has been recycled for use as an NPC by time-crunched developers. Such is not the case in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey; rather than simply discard the unused character, they become a primary antagonist in the game’s plot.

The game essentially opens with both siblings being thrown from a cliff during an attempted sacrifice/execution. Despite this, the audience knows that the player character survives the fall and escapes to the Greek island of Kephallonia.

Following a long and drawn out series of events which includes the deaths of a few long-lost family members, the protagonist is tasked with dismantling the nefarious Cult of Kosmos lead by the mysterious Deimos. The plot thickens when it is revealed that Deimos is actually Alexios, the brother of possible protagonist Kassandra.

The reveal that neither sibling died as a result of that tragic cliff incident was pretty shocking. The Assassin’s Creed series seems rife with forgettable, hard-to-follow plots, and this was definitely more engaging.

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Far Cry 5
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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.